JOB : Doctoral Researcher position for Ukrainian PhD Student, Tampere University, Finland — LIMITE : 20/​04/​2022

The Faculty of Social Sciences in the Tampere Univer­sity (Finland) invites appli­ca­tions for a Ukrai­nian based Doctoral Resear­cher for a fixed term full time posi­tion star­ting in spring/​summer 2022 until 31 July 2023.

This job opening is targeted for a Ukrai­nian PhD student who cannot continue their work in Ukraine due to the war and are seeking for a tempo­rary posi­tion outside Ukraine.

The posi­tion is open with the project “Gender, party poli­tics and demo­cracy in Europe : A study of Euro­pean Parliament’s party groups” (EUGenDem) directed by Professor Johanna Kantola and funded by Euro­pean Research Council (ERC-Conso­li­dator Grant 2018–2023). The project provides a syste­matic analysis of the gendered poli­cies and prac­tices of Euro­pean party poli­tics. The research comprises a compa­ra­tive study of the Euro­pean Parliament’s (EP) poli­tical groups and gene­rates empi­rical findings about the signi­fi­cance of gender in the current party poli­tical trans­for­ma­tions in Europe.

The project is conducted in Gender Studies, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University.

Job descrip­tion

The Doctoral Resear­cher works on their indi­vi­dual PhD research in addi­tion to parti­ci­pa­ting in the general research project acti­vi­ties, which will provide research trai­ning for the selected candi­date. Project acti­vi­ties where parti­ci­pa­tion and work is expected may include some research related tasks and orga­ni­za­tional tasks. The Doctoral Resear­cher will be provided with super­vi­sion for their PhD thesis.


To be eligible to apply you are Ukrai­nian citizen and be enrolled in a Ukrai­nian Univer­sity for a PhD degree in social sciences or huma­ni­ties. You hold a Master’s degree in a rele­vant field. You have the ability to conduct inde­pendent scien­tific research and you are able to work both inde­pen­dently and colla­bo­ra­ti­vely as part of a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary scien­tific community.

Appli­ca­tions are evaluated on the basis of scien­tific quality of the PhD research plan.

Appli­ca­tions will be assessed against the follo­wing key evalua­tion criteria :

  • Academic quality of the research plan
  • Feasi­bi­lity of the research plan
  • Specific bene­fits offered by the EUGenDem research project as the research envi­ron­ment for imple­men­ting your research plan

Please note that inter­views will not be conducted.

How to apply 

Please submit your appli­ca­tion through our online recruit­ment system (link below). The closing date for appli­ca­tions is 20 April 2022 at 23.59 EEST (UTC+3).

  • Please write your appli­ca­tion and all accom­pa­nying docu­ments (listed below) in English.
  • Please attach them to your appli­ca­tion form in the order mentioned below combined as only one (1) PDF file named LastnameFirstname.pdf Please note that other kinds of file formats will not be accepted.
  • Please use Times New Roman 12pt font or a similar easy-to-read font for all documents.

1. Cover letter

Maximum length one (1) page, in which you present your ratio­nale for applying for the post and why you are parti­cu­larly suited for it.

2. Curri­culum Vitae 

Maximum length two (2) pages.

Examples of what to include :

  1. Personal details and the date of the CV
  2. Degrees
  3. Other educa­tion and expertise
  4. Language skills
  5. Current PhD study posi­tion (Univer­sity, degree programme) and/​or employment
    • PhD thesis title
    • Names of PhD supervisors
  1. Previous work experience
  2. Research funding and grants
  3. Research output
  4. Other key academic merits
  5. Other merits

3. PhD research plan

Maximum length 1,500 words (inclu­ding the title, abstract, headings, and a list of refe­rences to the used lite­ra­ture as foot­notes) with the follo­wing struc­ture and in the follo­wing order.

  1. Title of the PhD research (stating the research topic)
  2. Abstract, maximum length 70 words
  3. Word count of the work plan
  4. Back­ground for the topic, research ques­tions and objectives
  5. Theo­re­tical and metho­do­lo­gical frame­works used in the research
  6. Data, research material
  7. Time­table for the comple­tion of the PhD

We will verify Master”s degree certi­fi­cate and passport, i.e., Ukrai­nian citi­zen­ship, of the short­listed candi­dates before the final nomination.

Please follow the above instruc­tions care­fully. Incom­plete or non-compliant appli­ca­tions will not be accepted for evaluation. 

For more infor­ma­tion, please contact : 

Professor Johanna Kantola, johanna.​kantola@​tuni.​fi

Refe­rence page and appli­ca­tion form