JOB : Adjunct professor to teach a new elective course on migration and public policy in fall 2022, Sciences Po, Paris — LIMITE : 04/​04/​2022

The School of Public Affairs is recrui­ting an adjunct professor to teach a new elec­tive course within the Social Policy and Social Inno­va­tion policy stream.

This course will take place in the 2022 fall semester, open to Master’s students in both the Master in Public Policy and the Master in Euro­pean Affairs, and to students from all of the School’s policy streams.

The format will be a 24-hour course, taught in English, with 2‑hour classes over a period of 12 weeks, and a class size of about 20 students. We there­fore encou­rage a high level of parti­ci­pa­tion and inter­ac­tion from the students. We also strongly encou­rage inno­va­tive class formats, that can range from small group discus­sions, debates, simu­la­tions, concrete projects, among others.

The topic envi­sioned for this course will be a focus on migra­tion, asylum and public policy. We are seeking a professor who is prepared to show how migra­tion-related poli­cies are viewed and adapted through different lenses, in both an academic and poli­tical pers­pec­tive, while utili­zing an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to iden­tify and dissect a range of topics in this field. The syllabus should include both scien­tific research and secon­dary resources respon­ding to current events, and the poli­tical and social debates on migra­tion and public policy today.


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