PUBLI : Laura Odasso et Manuela Salcedo Robledo, « Intimacy Brokers. The Fragile Boundaries of Activism for Heterosexual and Same-Sex Binational Couples in France », in : Anne-Marie D’Aoust (dir.), Transnational Marriage and Partner Migration : Constellations of Security, Citizenship and Rights, Rutgers University Press, 2022, p. 171–188.


This multi­dis­ci­pli­nary collec­tion inves­ti­gates the ways in which marriage and partner migra­tion processes have become the object of state scru­tiny, and the site of sustained poli­tical inter­ven­tions in several states around the world. Cove­ring cases as varied as the United States, Canada, Japan, Iran, France, Belgium or the Nether­lands, among others, contri­bu­tors reveal how marriage and partner migra­tion have become battle­grounds for poli­tical parti­ci­pa­tion, control, and exclu­sion. Which forms of attach­ments (towards the family, the nation, or specific indi­vi­duals) have become framed as risks to be managed ? How do such preoc­cu­pa­tions trans­late into poli­cies ? With what conse­quences for those affected by them, in terms of rights and access to citi­zen­ship ? The book answers these ques­tions by analy­zing the inter­play between issues of secu­rity, citi­zen­ship and rights from the pers­pec­tives of migrants and poli­cy­ma­kers, but also from actors who nego­tiate encoun­ters with the state, such as lawyers, non-govern­mental orga­ni­za­tions, and translators.

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