22 Juin 2022 — Séminaire HEALTH : ”Health issues in context of asylum and irregularized migration from South Asia’

10h30 : Introduction

10h35 : The needs in health educa­tion amongst recently arrived Pakis­tani migrants in France

Johann Cailhol, MCU-PH dans le service de mala­dies infec­tieuses du CHU Avicenne, ratta­chée au LEPS UR 3412, Univer­sité Sorbonne Paris Nord. Direc­trice adjointe du LEPS UR 3412, fellow de l’ICM & Sabah Jaroof, étudiante en M2 au LEPS, USPN

Abstract : Based on an ethno­gra­phic work, conducted by Nichola Khan and Johann Cailhol in 2018, we concep­tua­lized several public health inter­ven­tions for the commu­nity of recently arrived Pakis­tani migrants in Paris region. We will review the ratio­nale behind these inter­ven­tions. We will also present the imple­men­ta­tion process of one selected inter­ven­tion : a bilin­gual health educa­tion website, using a parti­ci­pa­tory approach.

11h05 : Colo­nia­lity, forced migra­tion and mental life : thin­king with interdisciplinarity

Nichola Khan, reader in Anthro­po­logy and Psycho­logy in the School of Applied Social Science, Centre for Research in Spatial Envi­ron­mental and Cultural Politics
Univer­sity of Brighton, fellow à l’ICM.

Abstract : This talk consi­ders the ques­tion and chal­lenge of inter­dis­ci­pli­na­rity in regard to migrant mental health research. That is, how might we cross disci­pli­nary and profes­sional boun­da­ries in order to meaning­fully share know­ledge, and create new inter­ven­tions, not only theo­re­ti­cally and metho­do­lo­gi­cally, but as a foun­da­tion for ethical enga­ge­ment. Anthro­po­lo­gists are often asked, or appended, to provide the ‘cultural’ context to other­wise ‘mains­tream’ (Western-derived) research. They have voiced criti­cisms about the ways culture is viewed as an expla­na­tion for mental illness, about the claims of the univer­sa­lity of biome­dical cate­go­ries, and the neglect of the social and poli­tical foun­da­tions of suffering—and achieved changes to the codi­fi­ca­tion of cross-cultural aspects of diag­nosis and treat­ment in the DSM. These changes are in part also driven by anthropology’s struggles to over­come its own problems rooted in esote­ri­cism, elitism, and the legacy of colo­nia­lism. Buil­ding on my previous work on various inter­sec­tions of migra­tion, mental disorder, and commu­nity enga­ge­ment, I consider this ques­tion in rela­tion to inter­dis­ci­pli­na­rity as an ethical mode of inquiry that can build posi­ti­vely around the inner and cultural lives of migrants, espe­cially in criti­ci­zing ways the suffe­ring of people fleeing war-torn socie­ties is selec­ti­vely prio­ri­tized, ignored, or over-coded as trau­matic. Colo­nia­lity I propose as a valuable ‘tool to think with’- one that that incor­po­rates histo­ri­city into a field that prio­ri­tizes contem­po­rary condi­tions. This bears on anthropology’s wider enga­ge­ments with trans­cul­tural psychiatry, poli­tics, psycho­ana­lysis, medi­cine, law, human rights, and global mental health. These issues are discussed in rela­tion to a specific project-in-deve­lop­ment on migrants’ mental well-being in Paris and London.

11h35 : Une inter­ven­tion psycho­so­ciale pour prévenir les troubles psychia­triques chez les personnes étran­gères en situa­tion de grande préca­rité : adap­ta­tion et évalua­tion de l’ef­fi­ca­cité de PM

Maria Melchior : Epidé­mio­lo­giste & direc­trice d’étude, Institut Pierre-Louis d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, respon­sable du dépar­te­ment HEALTH de l’ICM.

12h10 : Discus­sions générales

12H30 : Déjeuner

Lieu : Salle 3.01, centre des colloques, Campus Condorcet, Auber­vil­liers (Métro : ligne 12, station de métro ‘Front populaire’).