AAC : Call for Contributions « Migration, health & economics : mapping the field », 28.04.2022, Webinar — LIMITE : 15.02.2022

Migra­tion, health and econo­mics inter­re­late in mani­fold ways. For instance, (im)migration poli­cies shape the socio-economic status and health of migrants ; migra­tion is consi­dered a deter­mi­nant of health ; different policy solu­tions regar­ding the health entit­le­ments and health care provi­sion for migrant groups have fiscal effects on social and health care systems ; and economic inter­ests and pres­sures influence migra­tion choices and path­ways as well as poli­cies and prac­tices pertai­ning to migrants’ social and health protec­tion in desti­na­tion countries.
Related research ques­tions span across different disci­plines such as heal­th­care mana­ge­ment, social epide­mio­logy, poli­tical economy, and migra­tion studies. And yet, some of the exis­ting know­ledge on the inter­re­la­tions between migra­tion, health and econo­mics may have been remai­ning within the confines of disci­pli­nary silos ; some of the above­men­tioned inter­re­la­tions may be under-researched.

As a Work Group of the EUPHA Migrant and Ethnic Mino­rity Health section, we have outlined a research agenda in this field. To further advance the agenda, we invite inter­ested indi­vi­duals working in this field to a webinar to contri­bute rele­vant insights, ques­tions and challenges.

The goals of the webinar are to
a) map the exis­ting evidence on the inter­re­la­tions between migra­tion, health and economics,
b) iden­tify research gaps,
c) develop solu­tions to metho­do­lo­gical chal­lenges, and
c) faci­li­tate inter­dis­ci­pli­nary synthesis and exchange.

We look forward to receive contri­bu­tions from a wide variety of sources. Whether you do research on related ques­tions, or whether you are working in an applied public health setting, in a govern­mental insti­tu­tion, or in a non-govern­mental orga­ni­za­tion concerned with migra­tion, health and/​or econo­mics and have insights or ques­tions to share from your work – we will be happy to hear from you. The webinar will provide a forum for resear­chers, prac­ti­tio­ners and poli­cy­ma­kers to interact and exchange know­ledge, expe­rience and chal­lenges, and to jointly develop research ideas and solutions.

We invite you to submit an abstract for a short presen­ta­tion (5–7 minutes) at the webinar. We expli­citly encou­rage presen­ta­tions of “work in progress” and planned initia­tives along­side presen­ta­tions of results of completed projects. Presen­ting is an oppor­tu­nity to share your work and learn from others using the skills of research, poli­cy­ma­king, plan­ning, and imple­men­ta­tion. Based on the presen­ta­tions and exchange, we seek to explore further options for colla­bo­ra­tion in this field, ranging from joint propo­sals for grants, publi­ca­tions and/​or Special Issues in rele­vant jour­nals. For this purpose, most of the time of the webinar will be reserved for exchange and discussion.

We encou­rage submis­sions on the follo­wing areas :

Economic aspects of migrant health poli­cies ; includes but is not limited to evidence on the follo­wing questions :
– What are the economic effects of different poli­cies concer­ning migrants’ health entit­le­ments and access to health care ?
– What are the economic effects of health poli­cies that parti­cu­larly target migrant groups (e.g. screening ?

Metho­do­lo­gical chal­lenges and solu­tions ; focusses broadly on ques­tions such as :
– How can we cope with low avai­la­bi­lity and quality of data ? What are untapped data sources and poten­tial syner­gies with practitioners ?
– How can we illu­mi­nate aspects that usually remain hidden in classic economic analysis (e.g. costs of informal care)?

Poli­tical & moral economy of migra­tion and migrant health ; includes evidence or concep­tual works on ques­tions such as
– How do different narra­tives on migra­tion illu­mi­nate or obscure the roles, costs and bene­fits of different actors (migrants, host/​sending commu­ni­ties, employers, recruit­ment agen­cies, etc.)?
– What is the role of economic argu­ments in policy debates ? How do they interact with other argu­ments, values and pressures ?

Please submit an abstract of 350 words by Feb. 15th 2022 to
Nora Gottlieb : nora.​gottlieb@​uni-​bielefeld.​de.
Please note that we seek very short presen­ta­tions (5–7min), in order to reserve suffi­cient time for dialogue and discus­sion. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by members of the work group “Economic argu­ments in migrant health poli­cy­ma­king” under the Migrant and Ethnic Mino­rity Section of EUPHA.

Impor­tant dates :
Submis­sion dead­line : February 15th, 2022
Selection/​responses : March 15th, 2022
Webinar : April 28th, 2022, 13:00–15:30 CET

On behalf of the EUPHA MIGHEALTH Section Work Group on “The Economic Argument”,

Nora Gottlieb, Kayvan Bozorg­mehr, Nadav Davi­do­vitch, Allan Krasnik, Ursula Trummer