PUBLI : Philippe Stoesslé and Francisco Gonzalez-Salazar, « Right to health for undocumented migrants in Mexico : from theory to practice in the context of the health system reform », International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, November 30, 2021.–2020-0028/full/html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=rss_journalLatest

This study reviewed rele­vant lite­ra­ture on the health risk factors, social and struc­tural vulne­ra­bi­lity, stig­ma­ti­za­tion and struc­tural violence expe­rienced by undo­cu­mented migrants as obstacles to their Human Right to health. It also reviews the current legal frame­work in Mexico and inter­na­tio­nally. This review demons­trates the lack of imple­men­ta­tion of the current legal frame­work in Mexico and iden­ti­fies a set of complex obstacles to effec­tive access to health for undo­cu­mented migrants. Although the migra­tion process itself was not found to be directly asso­ciated with major health issues, the social condi­tions of the migra­tory journey expose the migrants to serious threats, espe­cially sexually trans­mitted diseases and tuber­cu­losis. This paper makes 10 prac­tical recom­men­da­tions for inter­ven­tions collec­ti­vely invol­ving the state, inter­na­tional and civil orga­ni­za­tions and the migrant commu­nity. These are espe­cially rele­vant since the imple­men­ta­tion of the INSABI health program in 2020. The paper lays the basis for influen­cing Mexican health system stake­hol­ders to improve the health of migrants. The socio­lo­gical barriers to health access for undo­cu­mented popu­la­tions in Mexico have not been fully explored. In addi­tion, this paper provides a unique reflec­tion on oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges linked to the 2020 health system reform.