Sarah Schneider-Strawczynski : « Essays on the Economic and Political Effects of Migration »

Sarah Schneider-Strawc­zynski est docto­rante à Paris School of Econo­mics, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Direc­teur de thèse : Hillel RAPOPORT, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris School of Economics

Sujet de thèse : « Essays on the Economic and Poli­tical Effects of Migration »

This disser­ta­tion conducts an empi­rical inves­ti­ga­tion of the deter­mi­nants and conse­quences of atti­tudes towards immi­gra­tion. At the confluence of migra­tion econo­mics and poli­tical economy, it explores how direct expo­sure to migra­tion, such as refugee inflows into cities, or indi­rect expo­sure to migra­tion, such as through the media, influences natives” prefe­rences. It also inves­ti­gates the poli­tical and economic conse­quences of natives” atti­tudes about immi­gra­tion. I take advan­tage of precise French data to shed light on general mecha­nisms at work in three critical settings of the poli­tical economy of migration.

Sarah Schneider-Strawc­zynski est ratta­chée au dépar­te­ment DYNAMICS.

Projet de thèse