CONF : “Making moral migration policies” — Jeudi 14 octobre 2021

Leçon inau­gu­rale (en anglais) de Soshana Fine (Asso­ciate Professor of Poli­tical Science at ESPOL, Univer­sité Catho­lique de Lille, fellow de l’ICM) au sémi­naire de l’ESPOL-Lab jeudi 14 octobre 2021 Mme Shoshana Fine (en anglais) de 16 heures à 18 heures pour sa leçon inau­gu­rale en ligne inti­tulée Making moral migra­tion policies”

Abstract. This presen­ta­tion explores the making of “moral” migra­tion poli­cies. Contrary to common wisdom, legi­ti­macy and even mora­lity are not only reserved to “good” migra­tion friendly poli­cies but are also invoked by those who make deci­sions that expose migrants to death. Surpri­singly, while many studies have inves­ti­gated the violence asso­ciated with Euro­pean migra­tion poli­cies, very few have focused their atten­tion to the ques­tion of how the seemingly unac­cep­table is often viewed as a moral neces­sity. What kind of legi­ti­mi­zing ratio­nales are behind these poli­cies ? To respond to this ques­tion, I examine two instances of violence towards migrants : depor­ta­tion and migrant deaths. In taking these two instances, I expose two moral legi­ti­mi­zing ratio­nales. The first one is what I call cold mora­lity which relies on dehu­ma­ni­za­tion processes through appeals to law. The second one is what I call roman­ti­cized mora­lity which func­tions through huma­ni­za­tion processes, appea­ling to agency and nostalgia. 

Inscrip­tion : ici.