PUBLI : Laurent Faret and Hilary Sanders (dir.), Migrant Protection and the City in the Americas, Palgrave MacMillan, 2021, 302 p.


This book aims to esta­blish a dialogue around the various “urban sanc­tuary” poli­cies and other formal or informal prac­tices of hospi­ta­lity toward migrants that have emerged or been streng­thened in cities in the Americas in the last decade. The authors arti­cu­late local gover­nance initia­tives in migrant protec­tion with a larger range of social and poli­tical actors and places them within a broader context of migra­tions in the Western Hemis­phere (inclu­ding case studies of Toronto, New York, Austin, Mexico City, and Lima, among others). The book analyzes in parti­cular the limits of local efforts to protect migrants and to iden­tify the lati­tude of action at the disposal of local actors. It examines the efforts of muni­cipal govern­ments and also consi­ders the role taken by cities from a larger pers­pec­tive, inclu­ding the actions of immi­grant rights asso­cia­tions, churches, NGOs, and other actors in protec­ting vulne­rable migrants.

Table of contents


Laurent Faret & Hilary Sanders

Part 1


Tucson, Arizona : The Poli­tics of Immi­gra­tion-Welco­ming Policy in a Near-Border City

James Cohen

From “Safety Zone” to “Welco­ming City”: Austin, Texas as an Unfi­ni­shed Urban Sanctuary

Rocio A. Castillo

A Ship Without a Captain : Poli­tical Disen­ga­ge­ment and the Failings of Sanc­tuary City Policy in Toronto, Canada

Graham Hudson

“A Respon­sible and Committed City”: Montréal’s Sanc­tuary Policy

Idil Atak

New Path­ways to Sanc­tuary in New York City

Hilary Sanders

Part 2


Sello Migrante or Restric­tive Hospi­ta­lity : The Case of the Commune of Quili­cura in Santiago de Chile

Claudia Arel­lano Yévenes & Cris­tián Orrego Rivera

Has Mexico City Truly Become a Ciudad hospi­ta­laria ? Insights from the Expe­rience of Central American Migrants

Laurent Faret

Hosti­lity, Huma­ni­ta­ria­nism, and Radical Soli­da­rity with Migrants in Tijuana, Mexico

Dolores París Pombo &Veró­nica Montes

A Sanc­tuary City ? San Jose’s Immi­grant Recep­tion and Social Inte­gra­tion Policies

Abelardo Morales-Gamboa

Lima as a Welco­ming City for Vene­zuelan Migrants ? Trans­for­ma­tions, Tensions, and Chal­lenges in a New Urban Destination

Isabel Berganza Setién & Cécile Blouin


Laurent Faret & Hilary Sanders

Refe­rence page