JOB : Research Fellow, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, Osnabrück (Germany) — LIMITE : 31/​10/​2021

The Insti­tute for Migra­tion Research and Inter­cul­tural Studies (IMIS) is seeking to appoint a Research Fellow to head the Junior Research Group “The Produc­tion of Know­ledge about Migra­tion”, spon­sored by the Volks­wagen Foun­da­tion funding initia­tive “Niedersäch­sisches Vorab”. The posi­tion is to be filled as soon as possible for a period of 3 years.

Esta­bli­shed in 2019, this junior research group inves­ti­gates the condi­tions and conse­quences of the scho­larly produc­tion of know­ledge about migra­tion. The focus of their work is on the prac­tices of produc­tion and circu­la­tion of know­ledge about the spatial move­ment of people. These prac­tices are inves­ti­gated at the inter­sec­tions of science and poli­tics, admi­nis­tra­tion and the public. The junior research group aims to contri­bute to a deeper unders­tan­ding of social processes of self-unders­tan­ding and prac­tices in dealing with migra­tion, diver­sity and diffe­rence, and to develop reflexive pers­pec­tives for migra­tion research in the social and cultural sciences.

Your Duties :

  • Leader­ship and coor­di­na­tion of the junior research group “The Produc­tion of Know­ledge about Migra­tion”, which will consist of three further research fellows (post­docs)
  • Further deve­lop­ment of inno­va­tive indi­vi­dual projects for the junior research group
  • Deve­lop­ment and reali­za­tion of one’s own larger indi­vi­dual project
  • Contri­bu­ting to the deve­lop­ment of a metho­do­logy of reflexive migra­tion research
  • Further deve­lop­ment and coor­di­na­tion of the group’s joint publi­ca­tion projects
  • Coope­ra­tion with parti­ci­pa­ting resear­chers at IMIS from the disci­plines of Geography, History, Law and Socio­logy regar­ding concepts and content

Requi­re­ments :

  • Candi­dates are required to hold a univer­sity degree with very good marks in the Social or Cultural Sciences or the Huma­ni­ties, as well as an above-average doctoral degree
  • Candi­dates must have a very good know­ledge of migra­tion research, inclu­ding its theo­ries and empi­rical methods, and proven expe­rience with inter­na­tional migra­tion research, docu­mented by top-ranking publications
  • In addi­tion, excellent English and German language skills are required

Addi­tional qualifications :

  • Expe­rience in leading scho­larly projects
  • Expe­rience in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research
  • Expe­rience in project development
  • Excellent commu­ni­ca­tion skills

We offer :

  • An inter­dis­ci­pli­nary work envi­ron­ment at a natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally esta­bli­shed, highly connected and diver­sity conscious research centre
  • The ability to super­vise and lead a group of junior researchers
  • The oppor­tu­nity to further develop, discuss and imple­ment inno­va­tive research ideas and perspectives

The posi­tion is avai­lable on a full-time or part-time basis.

Osna­brück Univer­sity is a family-friendly univer­sity and is committed to helping working/​studying parents balance their family and working lives.

Osna­brück Univer­sity seeks to guarantee equa­lity of oppor­tu­nity for women and men and strives to correct any gender imba­lance in its schools and departments.

If two candi­dates are equally quali­fied, prefe­rence will be given to the candi­date with disa­bi­lity status.

Appli­ca­tions with the usual docu­ments (CV, list of publi­ca­tions, list of courses taught, academic certi­fi­cates) as well as a compre­hen­sive concep­tual design of the topic area “The Produc­tion of Know­ledge about Migra­tion” and for the orga­ni­za­tion of the group work (max. 15,000 charac­ters) should be submitted elec­tro­ni­cally (in a single PDF no larger than 5MB) to imis@​uni-​osnabrueck.​de no later than October 31, 2021.
We look forward to recei­ving your application.

For further infor­ma­tion, please contact IMIS Director Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken (she/​her): helen.​schwenken@​uni-​osnabrueck.​de

Refe­rence page