PUBLI : Linda Haapajärvi, « Book review : Saramo, Samira, Koskinen-Koivisto, Eerika, and Snellman, Hanna (eds.) 2019. Transnational Death. », Nordic Journal of Migration Research, vol. 11, n° 3, 2021, p. 368–371


Trans­na­tional Death, a collec­tion of articles edited by Samira Saramo, Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto and Hanna Snellman, is a welcome reminder of the many lessons to be learned from the analysis of the more mundane, less spec­ta­cular reali­ties of death in migra­tion that have in recent years been over­sha­dowed by the proli­fe­ra­ting lite­ra­ture on border deaths. It is also note­worthy that the book does this across time and space, cove­ring cases from the early twen­tieth century to the present day, from Los Angeles’ Korea­town to arctic Finland. The breadth and the inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach of Trans­na­tional Death count among its unde­niable merits with the pers­pec­tives of ethno­lo­gists, histo­rians and anthro­po­lo­gists neatly dialo­guing with each other.

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