PUBLI : Christine Moliner, « Vulnerable Masculinities ? Gender Identity Construction among Young Undocumented Sikh Migrants in Paris », Religions, vol. 11, n° 12, 2021.

This paper discusses the impact of immi­gra­tion poli­cies on the ways young undo­cu­mented Sikh migrants in Paris nego­tiate their mascu­li­nity. The current crimi­na­li­za­tion of labor migra­tion from the global South in Europe is disrup­ting long esta­bli­shed patterns of upward mobi­lity through inter­na­tional migra­tion, that entailed remit­ting money home, getting married and reuni­ting with one’s family in the host country and moving up the socio-profes­sional ladder from low-paid jobs to self employ­ment. Instead, the life of an increa­sing number of Sikh migrants in France and elsew­here is marked by irre­gular status and socio-economic vulne­ra­bi­lity. In this context, undo­cu­mented Sikh migrants try to assert their gender iden­tity in multiple ways, charac­te­rized by homo­so­cia­lity, the impor­tance of manual labor, specific forms of male socia­bi­lity marked by the culti­va­tion of their body, while remai­ning firmly grounded in a Sikh/​Panjabi reli­gious universe through seva (volun­tary service) and gurd­wara attendance.