PUBLI : Linda Haapajärvi, « Hyvä naapuri, hyvä suomalainen – erontekojen ja kuulumisen käytännöt Helsingin monietnisillä asuinalueilla (Good neighbour, good Finn – negotiating national belonging in Helsinki’s multiethnic neighbourhoods) », Sosiologia, vol. 57, n°4, 2020, p. 326–345


This article focuses on the neglected ques­tion of the role resi­den­tial neigh­bou­rhoods play in the process of national belon­ging. The analysis is based on in-depth inter­views gathered from three multi-ethnic Helsinki neigh­bou­rhoods of different socioe­co­nomic statuses. The research objec­tive is to find out how members of the national majo­rity popu­la­tion trace boun­da­ries between “Finns” and “immi­grants”, how they justify their boun­dary-work, and how they some­times over­throw these boundaries.

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