CONF : International Conference « The Moral Economies of Knowledge Production on Migration : Conflicts, Values, Positionalities » — 2–4 December 2020, online


Orga­ni­zers : Research Group “The Produc­tion of Know­ledge on Migra­tion”, Insti­tute for Migra­tion Research and Inter­cul­tural Studies (IMIS), Univer­sity of Osna­brueck, Germany

The inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Research Group “The Produc­tion of Know­ledge on Migra­tion” (IMIS) orga­nizes the confe­rence “The Moral Econo­mies of Know­ledge Produc­tion on Migra­tion : Conflicts, Values, Posi­tio­na­li­ties”. It will take place as a virtual confe­rence on 2–4 December 2020. The confe­rence approaches the inter­con­nec­tion between the produc­tion of know­ledge and migra­tion by placing a parti­cular emphasis on the struggles that centre on peoples’ mobi­li­ties and their ‘correct’ quan­ti­fi­ca­tion, cate­go­ri­za­tion, and inter­pre­ta­tion. Conflicts about migra­tion and its effects as well as the struggles of migrants them­selves often lay bare not only the different expe­riences and socioe­co­nomic situa­tions of the many actors involved but also their conflic­ting world­views and value systems. In order to make such conflicts intel­li­gible, parti­ci­pants apply the notion of moral econo­mies as it has been discussed in different disci­plines recently.

For further infor­ma­tion, please visit the confe­rence website.


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