PUBLI : Glenda Santana de Andrade, « Beyond vulnerability : Syrian refugees in urban spaces in Turkey », International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy [en ligne], vol. 9, n°3, septembre 2020


Since 2011, 5.6 million people have fled Syria due to ongoing conflict. In Turkey alone, 3.6 million Syrians are confronted with a series of constraints once in the host country. This paper analyses, within the context of urban exile in Turkey, the different expe­riences and survival stra­te­gies of Syrians who are modu­lated by parti­cular rela­tions of race, class and gender. It aims to explain how refu­gees manage to create their own visi­bi­lity in this new space full of limi­ta­tions, and further explores how their newfound parti­ci­pa­tion in these urban areas can decons­truct domi­nant repre­sen­ta­tions of refu­gees, who are other­wise seen as threats or as voice­less victims. In all, this paper aims to go beyond the vulne­ra­bi­lity of refu­gees, without neglec­ting the violence they endure. To do so, the study was conducted using a series of semi-struc­tured inter­views, comple­mented by an ethno­lo­gical approach.

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