CONF : The Economics of Migration – Junior Migration Seminar — Nov. 2020

The aim of the Junior Migra­tion Seminar is to provide PhD students and post-doctoral resear­chers the oppor­tu­nity to present their work in front of fellow junior resear­chers and faculty members, from a broad range of insti­tu­tions. Parti­ci­pa­tion to the seminar is open to all and infor­ma­tion is disse­mi­nated through the mailing list.

Call for Papers

Junior resear­chers working on any aspect of migra­tion who wish to present can send a draft version of their paper to junioreconmig@​gmail.​com. Submis­sions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.


Semi­nars are weekly, and held on Mondays from 5.30 to 6.20 pm CET on Zoom. Each seminar will include one presen­ta­tion (40 min) and discus­sion (10 min). You can add the sche­dule to your agenda here.

The link to register for each presen­ta­tion is below. More infor­ma­tion and remin­ders are sent through the mailing list.

  • November 9th : Sarah Schneider (PSE), Hosting Refugee and Voting for the Far-Right : Evidence from France

To attend, please register here.

  • November 16th : Charly Porcher (Darmouth College), Migra­tion with Costly Information

To attend, please register here.

  • November 23rd : Kirsten Slun­gaard Mumma (Harvard Univer­sity), Immi­grant Inte­gra­tion in the United States : The Role of Adult English Language Trai­ning (with Blake Heller)

To attend, please register here.

  • November 30th : Jaime Arel­lano-Bover (Yale Univer­sity), The Role of Firms in the Assi­mi­la­tion of Immi­grants (with Shmuel San)

To attend, please register here.


If you want to receive infor­ma­tion on the webi­nars, you can subscribe to our mailing list via this form.


Elsa Gautrain (UCA, CERDI, ICM), Yajna Govind (INED, PSE, ICM), Giuseppe Grasso (LISER, Univer­sity of Luxem­bourg), Lucas Guichard (LISER, ICM), Alexia Loch­mann (PSE, ICM), Sara Signo­relli (PSE, Labor Chair)

Page réfé­rence : Please find the programme and papers” abstracts at the Econo­mics of Migra­tion – Junior seminar webpage