PUBLI : Maxime Eslier, Priscille Sauvegrain, Elie Azria et al. « Association between Migrant Women’s Legal Status and Prenatal Care Utilization in the PreCARE Cohort », International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Septembre 2020

  • Liste complète des auteurs : Maxime Eslier, Cathe­rine Deneux-Tharaux, Pris­cille Sauve­grain, Thomas Schmitz, Domi­nique Luton, Laurent Mandel­brot, Candice Estellat, Elie Azria
  • L’ar­ticle est en accès libre sur le site de la revue


Barriers to access to prenatal care may partially explain the higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes among migrants compared with native-born women in Europe. Our aim was to assess the asso­cia­tion between women’s legal status and inade­quate prenatal care utili­za­tion (PCU) in France, where access to heal­th­care is supposed to be universal. The study popu­la­tion was extracted from the PreCARE pros­pec­tive cohort (N = 10,419). The asso­cia­tions between women’s legal status and a compo­site outcome variable of inade­quate PCU were assessed with multi­va­riate logistic regres­sions. The propor­tion of women born in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was higher among the undo­cu­mented than that of other migrants. All groups of migrant women had a higher risk of inade­quate PCU (31.6% for legal migrants with Euro­pean natio­na­li­ties, 40.3% for other legal migrants, and 52.0% for undo­cu­mented migrants) than French-born women (26.4%). The adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for inade­quate PCU for undo­cu­mented migrants compared with that for French-born women was 2.58 (95% confi­dence interval 2.16–3.07) overall, and this asso­cia­tion was similar for migrant women born in SSA (aOR 2.95, 2.28–3.82) and those born elsew­here (aOR 2.37, 1.89–2.97). Regard­less of the maternal place of birth, undo­cu­mented migrant status is asso­ciated with a higher risk of inade­quate PCU.