PUBLI : Cris Beauchemin, Marie-Laurence Flahaux et Bruno Schoumaker, « Three sub-Saharan migration systems in times of policy restriction », Comparative Migration Studies, vol. 8, n° 19, 2020, p. 1–27


This paper reviews new evidence on the trends and patterns of migra­tion between Africa and Europe since the mid-1970s, and discusses their congruency with the chan­ging context of migra­tion policy. Using data from the Deter­mi­nants of Inter­na­tional Migra­tion (DEMIG) and the Migra­tion between Africa and Europe (MAFE) projects, we compare flows and poli­cies of three African and six Euro­pean desti­na­tion coun­tries (Demo­cratic Repu­blic of Congo, Ghana, and Senegal, on the one hand ; and Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, the Nether­lands, and the UK, on the other). The paper focuses on topics that quan­ti­ta­tive studies usually over­look due to the lack of data, namely the propen­sity to out-migrate, legal status at entry, routes of migra­tion, and propen­sity to return. We show that times of restric­tions in Europe do not corres­pond to less African out-migra­tion, but rather to more unau­tho­rized migra­tion and fewer returns. We further show that trends in African migra­tion differ greatly between histo­rical and new desti­na­tion coun­tries in Europe.

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Three sub-Saharan migra­tion systems

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