PUBLI : Nora El Qadim, Beste İşleyen, Leonie Ansems de Vries, Signe Sofie Hansen, Sibel Karadağ, Debbie Lisle & Damien Simonneau, (Im)moral Borders in Practice”, Geopolitics [en ligne], 19 avril 2020


This Forum aims to push exis­ting debates in critical border and migra­tion studies over the featu­ring of morals, ethics and rights in everyday prac­tices rela­ting to the gover­nance of the mobi­lity of non-citizen popu­la­tions. Its contri­bu­tors steer away from the actual evalua­tion or advo­cacy of the good/​just/​ethical, focu­sing instead on the socio­lo­gical exami­na­tion of morals and ethics in prac­tice, i.e. how actors unders­tand morally and ethi­cally the border and migra­tion poli­cies they imple­ment or resist. A proli­fe­ra­ting interest in the discur­sive and non-discur­sive mate­ria­li­sa­tion of moral and ethical elements in asylum and migra­tion poli­cies has examined the inter­t­wi­ne­ment of care and control logics under­lying the mana­ge­ment of refugee camps, borders and border­zones, and hots­pots along­side the deploy­ment of search-and-rescue opera­tions. Never­the­less, recent research has shown the need to unpack narra­tives and actions displaying values and symbols that are not neces­sa­rily encom­passed within this inter­t­wi­ne­ment of compas­sion and repres­sion. We argue that there is a need to pay more atten­tion to the diver­sity, plura­lity and the opera­tion of mora­lity, ethics and rights in settings and geogra­phies, and of inclu­ding a diver­sity of actors both across and beyond EUrope.

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