PUBLI : Anna Nicińska, Agnieszka Fihel et al, « Financial and non-financial private transfers from close ones : beyond family and kinship », Journal of Family Studies, Avril 2020

  • Liste complète des auteurs : Anna Nicińska, Małgor­zata Kalbarczyk, Agnieszka Fihel
  • Accéder au site de la revue


Inter­nally defined ties such as friend­ship, trust, or close­ness might enhance private trans­fers. The present study examines the role of these ties on top of the impact of genetic rela­ted­ness and legal family rela­tions using fami­lies with varied access to filial support as a source of hete­ro­ge­neity. We inves­ti­gate, in addi­tion to family support, finan­cial and non-finan­cial trans­fers received from unre­lated indi­vi­duals by mature adults in child­less, dispersed (that is, with an adult child living at a signi­fi­cant distance from parents), and local fami­lies using the Survey on Health, Ageing and Reti­re­ment in Europe. We find that the struc­ture of support given to mature adults indeed depends on inter­nally defined ties that are inde­pendent from family ties, control­ling for other rele­vant factors. The posi­tive impact on informal support of inter­nally defined ties concerns parti­cu­larly, but is not limited to, non-finan­cial support.