PUBLI : Laura Odasso, « Controversial Approaches to Measuring Mixed Race in Belgium : the (in)visibility of the Mixed Race Population », in Aspinall Peter et Rocha Zarine (dir.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Mixed Racial and Ethnic Classification, Palgrave MacMillan, 2020, p. 279–299

Cet article de Laura Odasso, fellow de l’IC Migra­tions, fait partie d’un manuel qui fournit une étude globale de la clas­si­fi­ca­tion de la mixité raciale et ethnique au niveau de l’État, en rassem­blant un éven­tail varié d’études de cas de pays du monde entier.


Through a socio-histo­rical analysis, this chapter eluci­dates the measu­re­ment of mixed­ness in Belgium. The federal state does not syste­ma­ti­cally measure the mixed-race popu­la­tion that, in contem­po­rary national surveys, is included under the natio­nals of foreign origin. Origin is concep­tua­lised as ancestry : having a foreign-born parent or grand­parent cate­go­rises mixed chil­dren among natio­nals of foreign origin, Belgian with regard to their natio­na­lity. Indi­vi­duals cannot self-describe as belon­ging to an ethnic group and ethnic labels are not included in any admi­nis­tra­tive or iden­tity docu­ments. The study of colo­nial and contem­po­rary ideo­lo­gies – namely the “mulatto problem”, the gender and natio­na­lity rights, and the Flemish and French socio-poli­tical divide on the collec­tion of ethnic statis­tics – assists in better unders­tan­ding the (in)visibility of this topic. Although natio­na­lity is the variable employed to distin­guish foreign resi­dents from citi­zens, the persistent inequa­li­ties on labour market inclu­sion led, in 2013, to a federal consensus on the need for measu­ring origin to tackle ethnic-based discri­mi­na­tion among citi­zens. Its deve­lop­ments may improve the know­ledge on visible origins, perceived discri­mi­na­tion and mixed­ness more diffi­cult to address than retra­cing origin through ancestry. None­the­less, beyond revi­sing social ethno-stra­ti­fi­ca­tion and colo­nial history, recent migra­tion mana­ge­ment opens new ques­tions concer­ning mixed unions and mixed descendants.

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