CONF : Colloque international “Refugees and revocation of nationality in the 20th century” — 19–20 novembre 2019, Villa Lanna, Prague


  • Claire Zalc, (IHMC-direc­trice du dépar­te­ment « Global)
  • Michal Frankl (Masaryk Insti­tute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague).


  • Czech Science Foun­da­tion (project “Citi­zens of the No Man’ s Land”, no 18–16793S),
  • Projet ANR TREMPLIN project, no 18-ERC1-0003–01
  • ERC Conso­li­dator project “Unli­kely refuge ?”
  • ERC Conso­li­dator project “LUBARTWORLD”.


9:30 – 10:00 | Claire Zalc (Paris) /​Michal Frankl (Prague)

10:00 – 11:20 | Revocation – A companion of modern citizenship ?

Chair : Rudolf Kucera (Prague)

Eric Lohr (Washington, DC)
The Soviet Great Dena­tu­ra­li­za­tion in Histo­rical Context 
Yaron Jean (Beer­sheba)
A System without Order:Travel Docu­ments and Mass State­less­ness in Europe after World War I 

11:20 – 11:40 |Coffee break

11:40 – 13:00 | Categories of exclusion I

Chair : Agnes Kelemn (Prague/​Budapest)

Alina Bothe (Berlin)
Staa­tenlos durch Ausbur­ge­rung“ – The de-natu­ra­li­za­tion of natu­ra­lized Jews with Eastern Euro­pean heri­tage in Germany from 1933 onwards 

Claire Zalc (Paris)
How to dena­tu­ra­lize Jews under the Vichy France (1940–1944) ? The admi­nis­tra­tive routi­ni­za­tion of everyday anti-Semitism 

13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch

14:00 – 16:00 | Categories of exclusion II

Chair : Vera Honus­kova (Prague)

Elif Becan (Paris)
“Although he is of Chris­tian reli­gion…” Depri­va­tion of citi­zen­ship in post-Ottoman Turkey and the case of Sabri Mahir Bey

lon Popa (Manchester)
Churches and the Revo­ca­tion of Natio­na­lity for Jews : The Case of the Roma­nian Orthodox Church and lts Patriarch / Prime Minister Miron Cristea 

Maggie Paul (Adelaide)
lnse­cu­ri­za­tion and the Citi­zen­ship regime : Poli­tics of inse­cu­rity around Bangla­deshi Migrants in India

16:00 – 16:20 | Coffee break

16:20 – 17:40 | (Dis)Loyalty and citizenship

Chair : Kate­rina Kralova (Prague)

Ibrahim Kaya (Istanbul)
Dena­tu­ra­li­za­tion of “Esca­pees” in Times of Coup D’ Etat in Turkey

Nikola Kara­sova (Prague)
The Revo­ca­tion of Greek Citi­zen­ship of Greek Civil War Refu­gees : The Case of Czechoslovakia

November 20, 2019

9:30– 10:50 |Stateles trajectories I

Chair : Thomas Chopard (Paris)

Nathalie Moine (Paris)
Successful emigrant entre­pre­neurs, siblings’ trajec­to­ries and the impact of the dena­tu­ra­li­za­tion policy in Vichy France

Vincent Artuso (Luxem­bourg), Jakub Bronec (Luxem­bourg), Georges Bochler (Luxem­bourg), Mare Gloden (Luxem­bourg), Denis Scuto (Luxem­bourg)
Six Jewish state­less fami­lies between the mill­stones of the Luxem­bourg authorities

10:50 – 11:10 | Coffee break

11:10 – 12:30 | Stateless trajectories II

Chair : Dieter Hecht (Vienna)

Marie Bossaert (Rome)
I would like to get my true nationality—the ltalian one—back : appli­ca­tions for ltalian citi­zen­ship and protec­tion during the occu­pa­tion of Istanbul (1919–1923)

Sima Velko­vich (Jeru­salem)
Polish citi­zen­ship as a way to freedom : chan­ging persona ! story in the docu­ments of Jewish refu­gees from the USSR right after WWII

12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch

13:30 – 15:30 | Contesting denaturalization

Chair : Claire Zalc (Paris)

Ségo­lène Plyer (Stras­bourg)
Ascri­bing Czecho­slo­va­kian citi­zen­ship to ex-Wehr­macht soldiers ? Prac­tices regar­ding the repa­tria­tion of priso­ners of war after 1945 at the Ministry of lnte­rior in Prague

Laure Blévis (Paris)
Natio­na­lity revo­ca­tions and lmmi­grants judi­cial appeals in post WWII France

Michal Frankl (Prague)
“Appal­ling moral blow.” Polish Jews appeal the 1938 revo­ca­tion of citizenship

15:30 – 15:50 | Coffee Break

15:50 – 17:10 | Colonial and post-colonial dimensions

Chair : Wolf­gang Schel­len­ba­cher (Vienna)

Laura Maria Frey (Basel)
Disputed Citi­zen­ship. Black fami­lies in Germany. 1918–1933

Luan Staphorst (Port Elizabeth)
Between Revo­king and lnvo­king Citi­zen­ship : the proble­matic inter­sec­tion of Apar­theid South Africa. Pass Laws and the Post-Colonia ! Condition

17:10 – 17:50 | Conclusion and final discussion