PUBLI : Glenda Santana de Andrade, “Reflections on research ethics in the case of Syrians in urban spaces in Jordan and Turkey”, Briefs on Methodological, Ethical and Epistemological Issues, n°5, CrossMigration Project, 2019


The Methods & Ethics Briefs sont publiés dans le cadre du projet Cross Migra­tion, porté par l’Imiscoe. Ils sont publiés en réponse à un appel à communications.


When studying a popu­la­tion in a vulne­rable condi­tion and with limited rights, several ques­tions must be raised, in parti­cular ques­tions pertai­ning to ethics. This brief discusses the incom­pa­ti­bi­lity of certain requi­re­ments by insti­tu­tional ethics review commit­tees, such as the written recor­ding of consent, with the need to protect research parti­ci­pants’ iden­ti­ties. Follo­wing guide­lines desi­gned for research projects ‘in general’, may at times inti­mi­date and jeopar­dize the safety of participants.

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