PUBLI : Maybritt Jill Alpes, Abroad at any cost : Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa, 2019, Routledge


Do young West Afri­cans want to go abroad at any cost because they receive too little or erro­neous infor­ma­tion ? Why do they and their fami­lies risk large sums of money with migra­tion brokers ? How do the risks of ille­ga­lity and depor­ta­tion change migra­tion aspi­ra­tions in West Africa ?

This book places traf­fi­cking and smug­gling within a wider frame­work of high-risk migra­tion and proposes a novel inter­pre­ta­tion of how people manage unwanted and uncer­tain migra­tion outcomes. Drawing on in-depth ethno­gra­phic research with aspi­ring and failed migrants, their fami­lies, migra­tion brokers and consu­late offices in anglo­phone Came­roon, the author analyses high-risk migra­tion from the vantage point of people in a place of departure.

Broke­ring High-Risk Migra­tion and Ille­ga­lity in West Africa : Abroad at Any Cost deve­lops a critical socio-legal approach to the gover­nance of migra­tion that sees the state without ‘seeing like the state’. The state’s mono­poly over legi­ti­mate means of mobi­lity is conti­nuously in the making – frequently through accu­sa­tions of fraud and crimi­na­lity. By revea­ling how autho­rity, lega­lity and legi­ti­macy operate in a country of origin, the analysis contri­butes original insights into processes that create the condi­tions for ille­ga­lity and migrant exploi­ta­tion. The book will appeal to those in the fields of migra­tion and deve­lop­ment, African studies, gender, anthro­po­logy, socio­logy, crimi­no­logy and law.