PUBLI : Émilie Tran et Chuang Ya-​Han, « Social Relays of China’s Power Projection ? Overseas Chinese Collective Actions for Security in France. » International Migration, 2019

Page de réfé­rence : https://​onli​ne​li​brary​.wiley​.com/​d​o​i​/​p​d​f​/​1​0​.​1​1​1​1​/​i​m​i​g​.12627


Once known as a silent and even a model mino­rity, hard­wor­king and keeping a low profile, the Chinese commu­nity in Paris, one of the largest Chinese diasporic popu­la­tion in Europe, has orga­nized several massive demons­tra­tions since 2010 to demand police protec­tion amid moun­ting secu­rity concerns. Based on quali­ta­tive methods combi­ning ethno­gra­phic research, media analysis, obser­va­tion of the collec­tive actions, and inter­views of key actors involved, this article analyses the evolu­tion of these mobi­li­za­tions and their after­math, on a span of eight years from June 2010 to July 2018, aiming to compre­hend the role of China’s influence diplo­macy in regard to the actions of over­seas Chinese for secu­rity. There hasn’t been any study on the role that over­seas Chinese might play in China’s foreign policy towards Europe.