Mireille Le Guen, Annabel Desgrées du Loû et al., « Union break-up after HIV diagnosis among sub-Saharan African migrants in France : disclosing HIV status is linked with staying in union », Aids Care, déc.2018


Sub-Saharan African migrants living in France are parti­cu­larly affected by HIV. Due to the fear of sexual trans­mis­sion of the virus, those in a rela­tion­ship could expe­rience a union break-up after an HIV diag­nosis. Based on data from the time-event ANRS-Parcours survey that was conducted among a repre­sen­ta­tive sample of sub-Saharan migrants living with HIV (France, 2012–2013), we studied union break-ups after HIV diag­nosis among people who were in a rela­tion­ship at the time of their diag­nosis. Women expe­rienced a more rapid union break-up after HIV diag­nosis than did men. The living condi­tions of men were not corre­lated to their risk of union break-up while among women, having a personal dwel­ling reduced the risk of union break-up. For both sexes, less esta­bli­shed rela­tion­ships were more likely to break up after HIV diag­nosis. Having disclosed the HIV status to a partner was asso­ciated with a reduced risk of sepa­ra­tion between part­ners, after adjust­ment on socio-economic condi­tions and migra­tion characteristics.

Mots-clefs :

France ; HIV diag­nosis ; living condi­tions ; sub-Saharan migrants ; union break-up

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