Tiziana Caponio, Peter Scholten et Ricard Zapata (Dir.), The Routledge Handbook of the Governance of Migration and Diversity in Cities, 2018


The Rout­ledge Hand­book to the Gover­nance of Migra­tion and Diver­sity in Cities focuses on the ways migra­tion and diver­sity have trans­formed cities, and how cities have responded to the chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties offered. Streng­the­ning the rele­vance of the city as a crucial cate­gory for the study of migra­tion policy and migra­tion flows, the book is divided into five parts :

  • Migra­tion, history and urban life
  • Local poli­tics and poli­tical participation
  • Local poli­cies of migra­tion and diversity
  • Super­di­verse cities
  • Divided cities and border cities.

Grounded in the Euro­pean debate on « the local turn » in the study of migra­tion policy, as contrasted to the more tradi­tional focus on the nation-state, the hand­book also brings toge­ther contri­bu­tions from North America, South America, Asia and the Middle East and contri­bu­tors from a wide range of disci­plines. It is a valuable resource for students and scho­lars working in poli­tical science, policy studies, history, socio­logy, urban studies and geography.