Beauchemin, Cris, Hamel, Christelle, Simon, Patrick (Dir.), Trajectories and Origins : Survey on the Diversity of the French Population, 2018


This book provides the main findings of a ground-brea­king survey on immi­grants and the second gene­ra­tion in France. The data, collected from more than 20, 000 persons repre­sen­ta­tive of the popu­la­tion living in France, offer inva­luable insights into the trajec­to­ries and expe­rience of ethnic minorities.

The book explains how France has been an immi­grant-recei­ving country for over a century and how it is now a multi­cul­tural society with an unpre­ce­dented level of origin diver­sity. While immi­grants and their descen­dants are targets of clichés and stereo­ty­ping, this book provides unique quan­ti­ta­tive findings on their situa­tion in all areas of personal and working life​.Is origin in itself a factor of inequa­lity ? With its detailed recons­ti­tu­tions of educa­tional, occu­pa­tional and conjugal trajec­to­ries and its explo­ra­tion of access to housing and health, this book provides multiple approaches to answe­ring this question.

One of the work’s major contri­bu­tions is to combine objec­tive and subjec­tive measures of discri­mi­na­tion : this is the first study in France to focus on racism as expe­rienced by those subjected to it, while opening up new metho­do­lo­gical pers­pec­tives on the expe­rience of preju­dice by origin, reli­gion, and skin colour.

Les auteurs

Dr Cris Beau­chemin is a tenured research fellow at INED (Institut National d’Études Démo­gra­phiques /​French Insti­tute for Demo­gra­phic Studies) and asso­ciate professor at the depart­ment of demo­graphy of the Univer­sity of Montreal. He holds his PhD from the Univer­sity Paris 8. Prior to joining INED, he spent 3 years at the Univer­sity of Montreal (Demo­graphy Depart­ment). Most of his research is about migra­tion and connec­tions between places of origin and desti­na­tion. Cove­ring both domestic and inter­na­tional migra­tion, espe­cially in the African context, his works relate to trends of migra­tion, migrants’ invest­ments, return migra­tion, trans­na­tional fami­lies, inte­gra­tion and trans­na­tio­na­lism… In the last decade, he was respon­sible of projects invol­ving large scale surveys : the Migra­tion between Africa and Europe project (MAFE) and the Trajec­to­ries and origin survey in France (TeO). He is asso­ciate editor of the journal Inter­na­tional Migra­tion Review.

Chris­telle Hamel, a socio­lo­gist by trai­ning, is a resear­cher at the French Insti­tute for Demo­gra­phic Studies (INED) where she co-heads the Demo­graphy, Gender and Socie­ties research unit. Her earlier work focused on gender rela­tions among the descen­dants of immi­grants from the Maghreb and Turkey, notably their young adult years, on union forma­tion and expe­rience of racism. She has also conducted research on forced marriage. She is head of the VIRAGE survey on violence and gender rela­tions, and the contexts and conse­quences of inter­per­sonal violence in France.

Patrick Simon is Director of research at INED (Institut National d’Etudes Demo­gra­phiques –National demo­gra­phic insti­tute) (F), and is fellow resear­cher at the Center of Euro­pean Studies (CEE) at Sciences Po. He is a distin­gui­shed visi­ting professor at CUNY (2015–2016). He is studying anti­dis­cri­mi­na­tion poli­cies, ethnic clas­si­fi­ca­tion and the inte­gra­tion of ethnic mino­ri­ties in Euro­pean coun­tries. He has chaired the scien­tific panel “Inte­gra­tion of immi­grants” at the IUSSP (Inter­na­tional Union for the Scien­tific Studies of Popu­la­tion) and was appointed at the Scien­tific Board of the Funda­mental Rights Agency of the Euro­pean Commis­sion in Vienna (2008–2013). He has edited with V.Piché and A.Gagnon (2015) Social Statis­tics and Ethnic Diver­sity : Cross-National pers­pec­tives in clas­si­fi­ca­tions and iden­tity poli­tics, Springer and with Nancy Foner (2015) Fear, Anxiety, and National Iden­tity : Immi­gra­tion and Belon­ging in North America and Western Europe, New York, Russel Sage Foundation.